The Sakshat tablet will be launched on Monday, Jan 10. It will be available in different screen sizes like 5-inch, 7 and 10. Other features include 2GB of RAM, web-conferencing, PDF reader unzip, WiFi, camera and USB connectivity.
Sakshat tablet has been developed as part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology that aims to link 25,000 colleges and 400 universities on the subcontinent in an e-learning program via an existing Sakshat portal.
Sakshat tablet will be launched by HCL technologies. According to a contract with the government of India, HCL will manufacture 100,000 tablets in the first phase. Indian government has assigned Rs 300 million for Sakshat tablet project.
Mumbai, Jan 10: Here comes India's best contribution to the gadget world. It's nothing other than the world's cheapest tablet, Sakshat. According to sources, the new Indian sensation, Sakshat tablet will be available at just $35 (around Rs 1,500).
The Sakshat tablet will be launched on Monday, Jan 10. It will be available in different screen sizes like 5-inch, 7 and 10. Other features include 2GB of RAM, web-conferencing, PDF reader unzip, WiFi, camera and USB connectivity.
Sakshat tablet has been developed as part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology that aims to link 25,000 colleges and 400 universities on the subcontinent in an e-learning program via an existing Sakshat portal.
Sakshat tablet will be launched by HCL technologies. According to a contract with the government of India, HCL will manufacture 100,000 tablets in the first phase. Indian government has assigned Rs 300 million for Sakshat tablet project.
wen is it coming out for sale and frm were can we buy it
ReplyDeleteIts Launch is delayed due to the convict between government and HCL Tech.
ReplyDeletei want to purchase this tab..can n e one tell me that wen it is going to be launched in mumbai
ReplyDeleteits launch on november in mumbai...